Some thoughts

In no particular order

Some thoughts loosely based on the theme of technical management in a startup environment. Don't take any of this as hard-and-fast advice - it's based on my personal experience and comes with the caveats that implies.


You ain't gonna need it

Developers like developing things. More specifically, they like developing new things. Left to their own devices, developers have a tendency to build many more things than is strictly necessary, in ways that are more complex than needed, in order to handle every conceivable use case and weird...

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Building a team

Hire for talent, not cost

A few reflections on the various ways of building development team capacity, from hiring freelancers or an agency to hiring staff. Based on my experiences working in bootstrapped startups and as a freelancer - this is not necessarily good advice for a well-funded high-growth firm!

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Certification and data protection

Tedious box ticking or vital back-covering?

Aside from internal documentation (which is very important) there are two main kinds of documentation that require attention from the tech lead in a startuppy environment.

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Code Review

The single best way to write code good

I'll start with a definition in case there's anyone reading this who isn't familiar with professional coding practices. A code review is a bit like a peer review in academia. One or more people check code that's been...

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Customers and requirements

It takes less time than you think

Over the years, I have become more and more convinced of the business and technical sense of co-designing new products and features with input from customers (or potential customers). Often known as design sprints, Google Ventures has published detailed guidance on how they carry out the process. It's well worth reading.

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Getting a great user experience from a good product

Documentation - so often an afterthought in the development process and so often seen as users accepting defeat. There's a lot of subjectivity in this space, not least because of the variation between products and...

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Plan to throw one away

(You will anyway)

Fred Brooks, in his 1975 book "The Mythical Man Month" makes a lot of sensible points that are still true today (albeit some of writing is quite gendered and could do with an overhaul). On the subject of estimation, he...

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Refactor for simplicity

By simplicity, I mostly mean readability

For those that aren't familiar, refactoring is like tidying up your code. It’s the process of restructuring existing code without changing its external behaviour. The goal is to make your code simpler, cleaner, and more readable. This can have a huge impact on the maintainability and scalability of your software. Programmers (the good ones anyway)...

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You can have too much of a good thing

Before any code goes into production, a set of automated tests should be written and those tests should all pass. Where appropriate (e.g. front-end changes) there should also be a manual check that things work as...

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When things go wrong

An opportunity to impress, or cut your losses

In any business, things sometimes go wrong. You should of course try to prevent this, but in the real world sh*t happens. It's often a stressful time for the technical team and for anyone in a customer facing role. It helps to remember that most people (at least in a B2B setting) have been on both sides of things going wrong and are likely to have some sympathy for...

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